Brit Wit Cards

Designed In Mountain Lakes, New Jersey.

Established in 2021.

Jayne and I are cofounders of Brit Wit Cards, bringing you “Emotional Rescue’ the funniest greetings cards the UK has to offer. The inspiration for Brit Wit cards came on a trip to the UK in 2019, which happened to coincide with my sister’s birthday. I ventured to a local cardshop in my hometown in Suffolk and was floored by the incredible selection of humor cards on offer, each as funny as the next. I was in greeting card Shanri-La! Imagine, a humor card that can make you actually laugh out loud in the store! A card that you would genuinely be excited to give to someone. I texted some of my favorite cards to Jayne at home in New Jersey. She was still laughing when I called her. She managed to find a moment between the fits to squeeze out ’ We HAVE to bring these here!” So, on return to New Jersey we tested a few cards on our American friends to see if they “got” the humor. I only wish I had filmed their priceless reaction. They were doubled over. Whoever we showed them to asked the same question again and again. “Where can we buy these ? ”

Well, we are now super excited to represent “Emotional Rescue’ and sell those very cards to the US and Canada!